I won’t lie, I’m a mixture of emotions over what is going on right now in the United States, especially where I live in NYC. It’s scary and honestly the unknown is what terrifies me most. I worry about my Husband who goes to work and can bring it home, I worry about my kids and myself who have asthma, I worry for my mother and family that I can’t see daily.
The world is in mourning. We are in different stages and learning to get by it one day at a time. One minute we’re smiling, the next we’re having anxiety it’s just scary. One bible verse I keep going back to is:
Look, I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. Genesis 28:15
All I do is try to keep praying, that this soon shall pass. Pray to keep my family safe and healthy and pray that God can give us a miracle.
It’s such hard times right now and our normal reaction might be to just panic. I try to keep reminding myself that it won’t help any situation to panic, you do not have control over this, only god and all you can do is pray and surrender and trust. I have been trying to stay positive and avoid the social media, but honestly it’s everywhere I look. Friends are sending articles, youtube ads are talking about it and sometimes your friend or family member will call you up and say “did you hear?”. It’s all very nerve wrecking and it’s hard to avoid.

What have we been up to:
We’ve been trying to keep a normal schedule here at home. The boys are doing remote learning at home which is better than I thought it would be. They officially got the hang of looking for assignments and completing them. I won’t lie though, it has also caused for some major procrastination, knowing they don’t have to turn it in till 8p.m. I have to keep reminding them to complete by the afternoon. Overall they’re getting the hang of it and so am I.

We went out maybe two times with the kids since this almost 20 something day lock down. Only because the kids needed fresh air, and unfortunately here in NYC there isn’t a backyard I can hang out at. Luckily, I live in a very quiet neighborhood where you rarely see people walking around. I am able to hang out in front for a bit with the kids to get some air.

While getting some fresh air was great it was also very nerve wrecking 😅 I must of been yelling every five minutes for the boys not to touch their faces. Right now we are limiting the number of times they go outside. We will continue to go on our walks but only when Thomas can help me with the boys.
Eating is out of control
Although we haven’t been doing takeout, our eating is getting out of control! We have been making meals at home daily which I love, the mess not so much but now with all of us home we’ve been eating more. Also the grocery is going fast I feel like I have to keep running to the supermarket 😅😂. So we need to get a hold of that fast, because I don’t want to have to keep going out.

I hope everyone is staying safe 🧡 I think about all those first responders that are daily risking their lives to save people, I am forever grateful for them.
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