I have dived into a couple random interesting things this month that I’m excited to share.
Watching: Omg guys so I watched Dead to Me and this is so good! Wait till you see what its truly about. Basic story, a lady lost her husband to a hit and run and meets this lady that pretty much turns her world upside down. It’s great! I binge watched it in like three days! Right now there is two seasons on Netflix and I can’t wait for season 3. Honestly the whole thing had me anxious but in a good way haha their friendship is one of kind that’s for sure. I also saw The The Wrong Missy on Netflix and that crap had me laughing my butt off. I mean it was so hilarious 😂. Just don’t watch it around kids 😬. I want to start watching Hollywood next, I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about it.
Reading: Jessica Simpsons new book Open Book is really good and honestly exactly what the title says it’s an Open Book! I have been binge listening to it on audible and love it so far, she’s so honest and real with us and I think that’s what drew me into the book quickly. She doesn’t get the credit she deserves, I mean she survived being molested, overcame being an alcoholic, went through body shaming and here she is with a billion dollar company overcoming it all. It’s so inspiring and she is such a strong woman. On another note I’m also looking forward to reading this book next ….. sounds really good and I need a good thriller to read.
This list of different ways to make your favorite coffee shop drinks has me wanting to try every single one! I kind of miss running into Starbucks just because and even though you can now, I don’t want to wait on a long line. So this will do for now.
This Enneagram work from home style is so accurate. I am a hard 9 so everything it says is so true!
Eating: Lots of pasta and tried this vodka sauce recipe which was delicious! I want to try this cinnamon blondie recipe next which looks 😋 yummy!
Drooling over: this jewelry chest! It’s sold out but man is it gorgeous ….. a bit pricey for my taste though but I did find a couple others that I thought were worth checking out here and here. Maybe I can find a simple one and change out the knobs or spray paint a few of them 🤔. Here is another great option if you’re looking for a full length mirror with extra storage behind it, the price is pretty nice too.
This month has flew by so quickly. I don’t know I feel like the months are going by so fast staying home. I mean they usually do on a regular busy day to day basis, but lately it has been too quick, am I the only one feeling this way? Hope you’re all being safe!
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