Mental Health is something that is rarely spoken about. I remember when I didn’t give it any thought and went about my day like everyone was living their best life. In reality, as you grow older things change and you learn that problems with mental health can happen to anyone at any period in their life. One minute you’re fine and then the next you are going through anxiety, depression, and other things that you may sometimes not be aware of. I compiled a list of the best motivational books to help with anxiety.
A lot of people struggle with anxiety and some aren’t even aware that they do until they reach a breaking point. I’m no expert in this field but I wanted to share some books that have truly helped me with my anxiety. It gave me such a different perspective on life and how to go about dealing with certain situations you may face on a daily basis.
Not to say that once you read the books you’re a changed person, but with time practicing these tips, they really do help and make you realize you’re not going crazy after all. I mean that’s what I loved most about these books because I related so much to a lot of the things mentioned in them. This whole time I was bottling up these feelings inside, little did I know I’m not the only one who thinks like this. Today I wanted to share some of the best motivational books to help with anxiety, so you can have a different perspective on things and learn to maybe see things in a different light.
Do It Afraid: This book by Joyce Meyer was a great read on living your life and doing everything even if you are afraid. She teaches you how to move forward understanding and confronting fear knowing that our lord and savior is by our side, and to just do it afraid. I loved that this book was not only about mental health but about life in general and how you should not have to overthink things you want to conquer in life. Simply doing what you need to do and trusting God along your path.
Think Like Monk: Not a book about becoming a Monk but this book was all about training your mind for peace and purpose like monks do. This book teaches you how to remove negativity from your mind and focus on living a more peaceful life.
The Untethered Soul: I have seen this book numerous times and finally decided to read it and when I did I loved it. It’s all about living your life and removing all the negative thoughts from your mind. He explains how to train your mind to sit with those anxious thoughts but to move past them and view them as just that, thoughts. The book also talks about how we overanalyze things too much. The author explains how we need to see them for what they are at the moment, not drive ourselves crazy overthinking things because we have no control over them. He goes into details about every situation in life and how to not live in a constant worry or fear. This is a book you want to take your time and read because it is so interesting and a quick read.
Battlefield of the Mind: A book by Joyce Meyer as well that talks about everything from depression, confusion, anxiety, anger pretty much anything that attacks the mind, these books will help with learning how to handle them. Teaching us how our mind has the power to make us or ruin us. She talks about removing negative things from your head and focusing on the Lord and positive thinking through faith. Her words are so uplifting and she relates everything back to a bible verse which helps you see and understand why we shouldn’t think these thoughts.
Power Thoughts: This is another book by Joyce Meyer that follows Battlefield of the Mind. In this book, Joyce Meyer gives 12 strategies for winning the battle of the mind. How to change your thoughts, Keep the right attitude about things in life, being more positive, and having a different perspective on things.
Now I’m no expert, I’m just sharing from experience but these are the best motivational books that help with my anxiety. As I’ve been trying to get through this past year, I realized I needed more help than I thought I did. I have always been the type of person to just handle things as they come and let them just pile up and overwhelm me and never really stopped to breathe and really mentally clear my mind. Letting this happen constantly can lead to some major anxiety that I won’t lie about, I still struggle with from time to time. So sometimes reading a self-help book or getting a fresh perspective on things can help a lot. What are some books that you love to read or things that you like to do to help with anxiety?
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