Summertime is approaching and I am looking forward to not seeing any more rain and enjoying the sunshine. This year though for some reason I’m excited about summer! I don’t know if it’s because we were home most of the time last year because of Covid or if I just have cabin fever and want to go out all the time now. I’m just looking forward to being able to go out a little more this year God willing and enjoying new activities. I made a small summer bucket list of the top ten things I would like to do and some are just small simple pleasures to enjoy as well.

Summer Bucket List
- Post a Photo A Day all summer long starting June 1st till the end of August. I wanted to keep up with taking a photo/video per day earlier in the year, but I missed a couple of those oops! That’s ok though because I expected that to happen so I will just make up for it this summer. The point is to just keep going even if I miss a day or two.
- Make creative Smores with the kids. I want to make it fun and add a fun twist to decorating them for the kids to enjoy while we’re roasting some. I mean I don’t know how much more sugar I should be adding to the smores but I’m sure they will love it 😂.
- Go to a Pool finally 🙂 I never realized how much I would miss fun water time until Covid happened. So just lounging at a pool would be so nice!
- Go to an Amusement / Water Park same goes for enjoying some fun at an amusement park. We haven’t gone in two years which I’m sure many of you guys as well. So enjoying some time there this summer would be nice and preferably on a less crowded day and time.
- Teach Donny how to ride a bike without training wheels. It’s long overdue.
- Take a Vacation to Lake George. I always hear great things about this Lake upstate and would like to go visit it this year. Just going out there and relaxing enjoying nature and checking out what’s going on in that area would be fun. We also have family that lives up there so it would be nice to go all together.
- Have a Picnic in the Park I always loved it and it’s fun making the lunches and snacks for everyone. Not sure which park yet but I’m on the hunt for someplace different we haven’t gone to yet.
- Visit Local Flea Markets & Garage Sales just for fun because I always find goodies there.
- Make some Puerto Rican Limber with the kids. Growing up I always enjoyed limber ices with the family. I want to learn to make some with them this year. There’s something about Limbers that are different and delicious!
- Visit a Flower Field because I saw there are two locations by me and I’m excited to go see them! I also want to get some amazing photos there.
So far that’s my Summer Bucket List for this summer! Maybe I’ll add any additional items from my 101 in 1001 days list as well. Depends on how much we can get done this year god willing. What do you have planned for summer?
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