Time for another favorite Netflix shows and Movie list! Here are some Tv Shows & Movies I loved recently. I wanted to get this list out before the weather starts getting too warm and we stop watching tv for a while 😆! Here are some good sees that I have seen lately. So basically with all this time we have been quarantined, I have basically been binge-watching so many shows and movies on Netflix and TV! I go through periods where all I want to do lay in bed and watch a whole bunch of great shows back to back, and sometimes my husband and I like to choose one each night to watch together.
DELIRIUM: So this movie threw me a curveball. I was really trying my hardest to figure out what was going on in the house. It really threw me a curveball in the end. It may be scary to some, so if you arent into scary movies then don’t watch it! Although, I don’t feel it’s scary but more suspenseful.
1BR: Another movie that threw me a curveball was 1BR. It’s about a girl who moves into this apartment and weird things begin to happen. She’s in a desirable neighborhood, her neighbors seem great, and then all of a sudden once she moved in weird things begin to happen.
BAD TRIP: This is definitely an adult movie and is NOT to be watched around children. If you’re a prude I also don’t recommend watching this. I laughed a ton of times though, it kind of reminded me of Dumb and Dumber but for today. The stupidity is what really made me laugh.
I Care A Lot: A lady goes to older client’s homes and takes “care” of them being their guardian and making all decisions on their behalf. Except, these elderly people never asked for help and are being stripped of all their financials and home.
Favorite Shows:
Bridgeton: I mean I’m sure a lot of people either loved or hated this show. I think what I enjoyed most about this show was the time it took place and how they also mixed modern music tunes with the instrumental music they played them. What a way to catch a viewer’s attention especially the young crowd. This is also a show that has a lot of steamy scenes so it’s best to watch alone. I am however a little disappointed that the main character isn’t going to be in season two. I am not sure how that is going to work.
Who Killed Sara?: I just saw this recently and I thought it was great. I was hooked from the beginning. A brother gets out of prison in search of the person who killed his sister when they were teenagers.
Prank Encounters: This show is more of a guilty pleasure show for me. I really thought I wasn’t going to like it but I was bored one day and decided to just watch it. I was hooked on watching every single episode after that. It wasn’t cheesy at all and the pranks were hilarious, I was laughing out loud to almost every single episode at the guests’ reactions.
Them: This show is over on Amazon prime but had to be added to the list. This show is, WOW 😳. It’s about an African American family who moved from North Carolina to an all-White neighborhood in Los Angeles in the 1950s. They thought it would be their ideal home but instead turned into a tortured home with horrible neighbors.
If you want to check out more movie and show recommendations you can find some here 🙂 also, let me know of any good shows or movies that you have loved lately!
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